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The Good Stuff Charcoal Air Freshener Bags, 32-Pack Small or 12-Pack XL Size

Keep the Closet Crisp

We put a lot of things in the closet. It’s safe, convenient, organized, easy storage. Except a lot of things end up staying in that closet. Sometimes, for quite a while.

The thing about closets is that sometimes they stink. Literally stink. Whether you’ve got old shoes in there, poor ventilation, dust, dirty clothing, or any number of odor-creating oddities, the closet creates this sealed chamber where things are preserved inside, both the good and the bad.

And when you’re putting things you want to keep for a while in there, you’re putting them at risk of catching those odors. It’s not great.

You could use an air freshener, but that pretty much only covers the smell. You can clean the closet itself, but that’ll take quite a bit of work. You can remove the smelly things, but they’re still smelly and might not be washable.

Turns out there’s an easy way to remove odors from spaces (and items) that doesn’t require you to get your hands dirty. All you need to do is put a freshener bag down, leave it be, and give it some sun once a month. The activated charcoal pulls, absorbs, and nullifies the molecules carrying the odors.


  • Forget sprays, plugins, and freshening blocks, these organic activated charcoal bags, are nature’s natural air fresheners
  • Designed to fit perfectly into sneakers, shoes, and boots, the small size charcoal bags absorb odors giving your footwear a fresh smelling scent
  • The small charcoal bags are also great to slip on a fridge shelf, add to a washroom, or keep in your car, for fresher air anywhere
  • XL gives you a bigger bag for more absorption, perfect for whole rooms and larger closets
  • Long-lasting: simply leave these charcoal bags in the sun once a month for constant freshness. Sunlight refreshes them even in the coldest weather


32-Pack: Small Bamboo Charcoal Air Freshener Bags

  • For hanging in closets, the metal eyelet is super useful for attaching them to clothes hangers and keeping your wardrobe fresh
  • This set of 32 air freshening bags each contains 75g of bamboo charcoal
  • Place in the sun for 1 hour per month

12-Pack: XL Bamboo Charcoal Air Freshener Bags

  • Each charcoal bag contains 200 grams of charcoal chunks that provide 2 years of odor absorption
  • Place in the sun for 2 hours per month

what’s included?

  • 32x Small Bamboo Charcoal Air Freshener Bags


  • 12x XL Bamboo Charcoal Air Freshener Bags


90 days

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