ZAP! -- Gloue 3000 Volt Rechargeable Electric Fly Swatters with Stands
Although summer is coming to a close, creepy crawlies are still something you’re going to have to worry about for a little while longer. Whether they’re spoiling your outdoor get-together or buzzing around when you’re relaxing inside, it’s completely understandable to want a permanent solution to this problem. Take things one step further and invest in today’s deal, a 2-pack of Electric Fly Swatters from the experts at Gloue. Though these swatters do look like tennis rackets, they pack an electrified punch with tight webbing that kills insects upon impact. If you don’t feel like wielding them in your mighty fist, you can simply leave them in their charging stands for some passive insect killing without the cloying scent of citronella or the potential dangers of deet. Overall, this is a worthy year round investment and one you won’t want to pass up.