A Mist Opportunity
“It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity,” they say. Or: “It’s not so bad, because it’s a dry heat.”
But humidity outside in the summer is one thing. A little humidity inside is something entirely different. One drains you of all your energy. The other leaves you feeling refreshed and healthy. Also: will help you breathe easier. Also also: will keep you from snoring. Also also also: will reduce static and stop your knuckles from cracking and bleeding because they’re so dry and–
Well, you get the picture: a humidifier is a good thing.
And this is a good humidifier. Not only does it pump out smaller, lighter water droplets that disperse quickly; it’s also super quiet, features a user-friendly design for easy filling, and diffuses essential oils to make it even more refreshing and relaxing.
And unlike the humidity outside in the summer, it won’t cause you to sweat through your shirt. Twice.
Not bad for $25, right?