Upgrading your phone isn’t always an option and isn’t always easy. New technology is fun and exciting, but it is also complicated and expensive. It’s difficult to keep up with all of the new features phones are offering these days, and it’s becoming even more difficult to find a phone that will actually fit in your pocket.
I am still perfectly happy with my old iPhone 6, it does just about every job I need it to. I know how to work it and have all of my settings just right. A new phone might sound nice for portrait mode, but other than that I am not quite ready to make any changes any time soon.
But…battery life…ugh. Older phones have their advantages, but battery life doesn’t always keep up the way we need it to. The TAMO Extended Battery Case is perfect because it gives your battery a power boost to get through a long day without running from charger to charger. For only $15, it’s an easy upgrade to keep the phone you love for a while longer, or to buy some time before you are really ready to upgrade.