Inspirational necklace that makes a great gift amongst friends.
Tamborat Jewelry Tri-Tone "Good Friends" Triple Disc Pendant Necklace

Customer Favorite
- Inscription reads: Good friends are like stars, You don’t always see them but … You always know they’re there
- Inscription is across three disc charms
- Makes a great gift
What’s Included?
- 1x Tamborat Jewelry Tri-Tone “Good Friends” Triple Disc Pendant Necklace
Perfect gift
The necklace was a perfect gift for my best friend.
Friend necklace
Love it, it is heavy. Not at all cheap feeling, wish I had bought more.
Super cute ! Did it look an expensive or cheap?
It’s very nice
Wrong item was shipped to me.
This was not the the three charm necklace I ordered. I received “ I carry your heart with me and God gave me you. This completely different then the “Good Friends are Like Stars”
Very disappointed. Would like the Corte t ones that I paid for sent to me.