Experience the thrill of Virtual Reality viewing for all your VR and 360-degree videos and images from anywhere with this state-of-the-art Monster Digital Virtual Reality Headset. Fully compatible with the Monster Vision VR and Monster Vision 360 cameras. Perfect for entertaining family and friends of all ages!
Monster Vision VR Audio Headset
- Compatible with Apple and Android smartphones, and you don’t even have to remove your case
- You can use this with any 3D gaming app
- The App Store and Google Play Store both have many free 3D games available
- Completely wireless, easy to take along anywhere to provide entertainment for you or your kids
- Pair it with the Monster Vision 360 Degree VR Camera to get the total virtual reality immersion experience!
- Adjustable and comfortable head strap and cushioning
- You can answer calls and Pause/Play with the built-in controls
- Integrated High Performance Headphones
- Precision Polished Glass Lenses for Better Picture
- Focal Adjustment
- Model: ACA-0071
- Dimensions: 7" x 4" x 8"