The best thing about today’s deal is that you get to read about it right here instead of getting tagged in a Facebook photo by an old high school friend who wants you to save 20% on essential lavender. We also won’t ask you to join a pyramid scheme that ends in you living your #boss #bestlife with a garage full of $12,000 in unsold product that you needed to accept in order to qualify for a trip to the motivational seminar in Orlando or whatever.
Because, yeah…we’re more than happy to sell you this stuff the old fashioned way, where you send us money and we send you a box full of tiny bottles.
If you use essential oils, you know that they can be pricy. That’s why we’ve put together this tidy six-piece deal where you get delightful blended combinations to help relax, awaken, and protect. They’ve got a built-in rolling applicator so that you can just dab this stuff right onto yourself in a snap, instantly helping you re-center your mood and feel at least a little better about pretty much everything.
If you’ve never been much of an essential oil person, this is as good a time as any to give it a shot. Plus when you get your oils from us, we’re not going to dump you into a lifestyle brand database where we e-mail you four times a day. You’re trying to buy some oils, not join a cult…presumably.
While we’re on the topic, there’s a chance you’re more of a diffuser person than a dab-it-on-your-skin person. Well, that’s what bonus deals are for.