Staples for your ears, not staples in your ears.
No matter what you’re trying to do, no matter how lofty the heights to which you aspire, every area of human endeavor is built on those little staples. The most transcendent cathedral stands on stones and mud.
Wanna shake some cocktails? Your home bar needs something brown, something clear, some bitters, and some vermouth. Fancy a spin on the wheels of steel? Your record collection needs some Beatles, some Prince, some Ramones. Running your own business? Your office needs some actual staples.
And your jewelry, if you wear it, needs some pearl earrings.
They’re versatile, lending a fancy sparkle to your hip going-out clothes, or sealing the shimmer of a classically hoity-toity get-up. But then again, there are those times when only pearls will do: a Leave It to Beaver-themed wedding, champagne brunch with Pippa Middleton, Grandma’s obscenity trial. If an occasion like that arises, and you don’t have any pearls, you’re going to look like a complete idiot.
They don’t have to be these pearl earrings. But if you (or that special earring-wearing someone in your life) don’t have some already, it’s never going to be easier to fill that hole in your jewelry box.
You get five pairs of real freshwater pearls, in five different colors, for twenty five bucks. If you pass up this deal, you better be spending that money on a Sign O The Times vinyl reissue, or a bottle of Cocchi Vermouth di Torino.