Color your way calm
We have to admit that the first time we heard about the adult coloring book craze, we scoffed. Chortled, even. Coloring books for grownups? Give us a break.
But the more we thought about it, the more that chilling out with a pack of colored pencils and some black-and-white pages seemed, well, fun. Some people relax with yoga or meditation, some people take long walks, some people curl up with some soothing music and a coloring book (and maybe a glass of wine). In a world of stress and uncertainty, who are we to yuck anyone’s yum?
After all, coloring is peaceful, meditative. You don’t have to make too many decisions, just decide which shade to use in each place. And when you finish a page, you get a nice sense of completion and fulfillment—not to mention something pretty to hang on your fridge.